Pricing for Accelerated Freefall here.
Yes! You must to be 18 or older. Parental consent will not be accepted. There are absolutely no EXCEPTIONS to this rule! For you eternal teenagers, there is no upper age limit. We’ve taken people well into their 80s. We do request a doctor’s note if you are over 70. Contact us if you have further questions.
No. A parent may not waive a minor’s rights in California. No one under 18 will be allowed to skydive.
The AFF student weight limit is 200 lbs (90kg).
The equipment has tested and rated to a maximum allowable weight called the “maximum exit weight”. This limit is dictated by the manufacturer of the equipment and is in compliance with FAA standards. The exit weight includes you and the gear you wear plus the instructor and the gear they wear.
No. There are no additional fees. Some companies may try to charge you for bad weather insurance, airport fee, a fuel surcharge, or may even try to make you believe they need to collect the homeland security tax charged at commercial airports. We don’t make up fees to increase profit margins!
Yes. A $70.00 per person non-refundable deposit is required at the time of booking.
We hear this a lot. "Everything" is a pretty all-encompassing word. You are still responsible for those usual day-to-day expenses. Our prices cover all gear and training required to make the skydive, unless otherwise stated.
Tipping is appreciated by the instructors, but that is totally up to you.
Reservations are strongly recommended in order for us to provide you with the best customer service. People without reservations will be accepted on a space-available basis.
For an AFF skydives (not included Ground School Training for Category A), training takes about 45 minutes and, from start to finish, your gear up, jump and debriefing will take an additional hour. Keep in mind that your reservation time is the time we need you to check-in, not the time of your jump. Because AFF is a flexible program geared towards your thorough understanding of the material and your safety in the sky as an increasingly independent skydiver, we ask that you be flexible with your time on the day of your jump.
Yes. Buy your gift certificate here.
We can definitely try to accommodate that! Let us know if you have friends who are jumping as well, and we will try to arrange for you to be on the plane together.
You need to bring valid ID just like you would at any airport. Other than that, you will be provided with everything necessary to make your jump. If you wear glasses, you might want to think about a sports retainer for them, although we have goggles to fit over them (sunglasses can not be worn during AFF skydives).
All of our instructors are USPA rated instructors, most of whom have over 2,000 skydives.
Wear comfortable clothing or athletic-wear. Avoid bulky belts, high platform shoes, hiking boots, and open toes shoes, such as sandals. Tennis shoes are the best.
No. The cameras used in skydiving are bolted to the cameraman’s helmet. Holding onto a camera during freefall is not an option. Additionally, the United States Parachuting Association mandates that a skydiver have a minimum of 200 skydives prior to attaching any sort of camera to their body or gear.
The United States Parachuting Association sets wind limits for students. These limits are set for your safety. We will reschedule your jump for another day of your choosing.
If we are not able to jump because of weather, we can reschedule your jump for another day of your choosing.
The more the merrier! Bring as many people to watch as you’d like. But please remember, this is an airport and the equipment is expensive. Small children will need to be watched, and pets are better left at home.
We are a dog friendly dropzone, but as you will be busy skydiving, we do recommend you leave your furry friends at home.
If your dog must come out with you, please ensure that your dog is friendly with other dogs, is leashed and supervised for the duration of your visit (someone needs to be on the ground with them while you are in the sky) and that you clean up after your dog. Owners will be held responsible for damage their pets cause. We reserve the right to ask badly behaved pets and their owners to leave.
We have a designated cigarette smoking area. Please limit smoking to this area and do not smoke near the hanger or gear. Once you are in a jumpsuit and harness, you will not be allowed to smoke until after your jump and when gear is removed.
Yes, please do! Otherwise you’ll be hungry! Seriously, eat something light. You will enjoy yourself more.
You cannot drink before skydiving. We strictly adhere to FAA regulations for safety reasons. Alcohol is not allowed on the premises during jump operations, and drugs are not allowed on our facility period. However, after we are done for the day, you are welcome to stick around and have a cold one with us!
Please do! Many people bring out picnics and watch the parachutes land all day, and even stick around after the day is over to talk with the jumpers and staff! Also, if you have any extra, the instructors really appreciate leftovers!
We recommend you contact us on this one. We can offer you some options, and make several recommendations.
What happens after AFF?